WARNING: This Product Contains Nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Top 5 Rules for Vaping In Public

Top 5 Rules for Vaping In Public



We have all been there, whether it be in a movie theater or a crowded concert venue, and you see that telltale cloud of sweet-smelling vapor arises from the group. So here's the question: When is it OK to vape in public? Here's a Top 5 list of vaping in public etiquette.


We have all been there, whether it be in a movie theater or a crowded concert venue, and you see that telltale cloud of sweet-smelling vapor arises from the group. So here's the question: When is it OK to vape in public? Here's a Top 5 list of vaping in public etiquette.


5. When in Doubt; ASK!

Not sure whether or not it would be appropriate to get your nic-fix? Ask someone! Use this as an opportunity to educate if you can! Make an effort to do more than just get permission - change someone's mind!


4. Vape Downwind!

This may seem silly, but it really makes a difference! If you must vape in a crowd, try to vape with the wind direction so as to affect as few of your fellows as possible.


3. Vape Discreetly!

Don't be "that guy" who blows a huge cloud into a room of people. If you must vape in a crowd, do it with discretion. Small puffs and holding the vapor in a bit longer can reduce the cloud output.


2. Respect Smokers!

Maybe your life has been greatly improved by vaping, and there's nothing wrong with trying to convert smokers but be respectful. Smoking is very hard to give up. Be kind and inclusive!


1. If you wouldn't SMOKE there, Don't VAPE there!

This rule can be taken above all others. Just use common sense. Feel the vibe. Respect the establishment's rules.

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Read Next Article: 5 Vaping Facts You Need To Know

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